As Lyrical As it Can Get.

There are a lot of ways to learn. Some people in school have derived different ways to upload information - according to the premises of what is called in golf, their “handicap”. Something has them learning a certain way, that won’t be suited to the typical learning curve, or educational system, or even national default structure. And though, we have no idea where the real value of actual education lies - in the accreditation of the centuries-old institutions, to lend it a smidgen of credit - or to the takeaways that are now applied and enforced in the upper echelons of government, when drafted.

Sometimes, it is a mix of both, or all of those factors. In a meld of ups and downs, strung in perfect harmony.

There are three self-classified ways - whittled in my brain as per experience and formation of actual opinion (a very old-school, ancient thing nowadays), and not intentionally crowdsourced or internet-gained, in which we start with the basic learning journeys: there is the 1/ traditional, (or as is passed down in your basic national unit: the family), the 2/ international, where people rely on the country assignments to pay for education that would enable military or families that are “expatriated” from country with the assignment from an in-country, to out-of-country work headquartered in home country where they had emanated from, and the 3/ improvised, a populist-engaged type of education where the work starts early and functionally bridges the elusive exacting of creating a reason for the initial status of student to the tribulations of the trust-funded (what the older generations would consider “not a real career”- or what was a part-time job turned career choice.

Traditional education is often needed for learning journeys that are mostly traditional, and end up in the short tail functional type-A jobs, or what is the cube, the square office, that place with elevators and glass corner offices with telephones. Tradition is upheld, and tradition is continued. As expected.

International education is needed for the families that move from location to location - as are generals, military-base families, in-country CEO’s or capacity builders that have knowledge bases too sensitive for digital database in the works to wide to alleviate. When they are assigned to build in different territories - that allow for marketing and distribution enforced in different up-ended, or undeveloped markets, they continue what is tradition to onboard diversity, and collect knowledge bases in the territories they continue businesses in. Sometimes, they become permanently resided in the places they are assigned to - when they move jobs or terminated.

The residue to these two businesses, when they can’t successfully move from what is International –> to what is Traditional becomes the duty of what is Improvised when the hapless gaps are no longer filled by home country to be able to accommodate the gap that needs to fill the in-betweens.

Usually, expatriates are handled by locally affixed extensions of their international governments called Embassies, and the Ambassadors as primary representation to the host country. When they become just political scions, go-betweens or representative cultural icons, and not actually have the independent political power to enable or accommodate structures within structures, they are commandeered into as merely Cultural Attachés.

Improvised learning, is the most basic structure in this Millenia. It is most interesting, as it provides the higgs-boson particle of the work world. It commands the education style that is attributed to what is part of special learning (according to capacity, or proven aptitude - or identified capital in potential), to what made special geniuses of the 70s - whose attributed their successes to a certain type of learning that is out-of-the-box and didactic, which created what are automatic learners - people who have transparency in their processes, as well as a learning capacity that leaves introductions of knowledge actually a joy to achieve and become the most objective learning capacity among the entire hosting of integral excising that occurs in the continuous ceasing of all types of (very limiting) structure. The perennial side-effect though from the stray from tradition: what is narrow-mindedness, and open to gossip, and seriously questionable word-of-mouth.

The generations before the Millennials: (Baby Boomers, the X-ers, the Y’s) have experimented with learning journeys that attributed the efficiencies observed in the “geniuses” with multi-coherent structures that analysed the generations of children to cohere with peers, and actually adhere to their paths until the very end. Quotients of intelligence are submitted to all sides - emotional, qualifying intelligence to schools & ace-ing SATs, as well as being resiliently productive for general governmental work. Balanced approaches wielded balanced observed outcomes, across all multi-linear elevated cultures.

Also, diet. (I think I’m grabbing a jambon beurre type ham sandwich soon. For like, dinner.)

(Written while listening to Spotify/ playlist by TobiVanSchneider2016)


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Xmas is Christmas, Styled &Shrunk.

So two guys walk in a bar, and made small chitchat with the barkeep…. I’m not giving you free beer. Ok, whatever. (Not that kind of bar.) We take the coloured pens of our childhood and just scribble afternoons and scrolls of time away.... Continue →