Finding your cycle of awesome.


And with the Firebolt Express, we sweep up the awards of time in cycles. A cycle is something that goes from one point to another, in the same path, and in the same occurring roundabout - from point A (up) to point B (down), and it seems that if we map this out to horizontal, these points map to a different vertical but spread along a wave pattern of a peak (A), to a trough or a dip (B), and these define our sine wave cycles along the x-axis. That horizontal depiction of what points in a circle encounter. Bit of a monster rollercoaster that.

But digresses aside, it feels like we attribute circulars to things that we find commonly in conversation, or daily life, but in a metric idyllic that is sacrosanct or synced to beats at length or time signatures, or the context of what affixes your life/ motion/ movement from fixed-point to fixed-point. In this case, we are measuring a phenomenon called “awesome”.

In some instances, it is considered something ought to be done incognito.

When culling up what you have inside to attribute to your “awesome box” - in case you need to tick a form filling out what you did for a living, or the inquiry forms that they might occur in salvation army lines where you might make a donation on old toys - and they needed to know your blood type - this actually collects a mere “that’s nonsense” from someone but would be “awesome awesome” in someone else’s scale. So, in order to appear standardised and not random about our assigning “what is good” to things, we must be aware of a grid - a personal awesome grid - with people who no longer believes that there is such a thing as being awesome (like that would ever get old, tired or passé ever).

It comes in cycles. It just is not a permanent thing - like the flyer. A ferris wheel, loops around in place, unlike a rollercoaster that winds its path to a specific exciting track, designed for riders. But there’s a consistent point attributed to its fixed pathing. When you have these points connected, it forms a flow - fluid motion of point A to point B - that doesn’t only happen when you felt like it / had nothing better to do, but instead tracks your “cart” (in this case your perception of awesome/ actual changes via nodal physical/ emotional change).

If things are still unclear, contact a human.
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When analyses is complete, or accurate, or fact-checked, it is joyfully founded on what is. And it becomes the growth of the person it tracks. When it remains true/ loyal to the person/ it qualifies the person, towards his /destination/ - and makes us not a blank-slated observer of life, enjoying the ride very passively, but as a magnificent awesome-aware, deliberately intentioned active participant with every choice, and step, and turn and curve (and maybe at the helm sometimes of speed, heft and volume) if we want, i guess we are made more alive.



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