Becoming the ideal you.

We all wished to be something of a someone someday.


And we quite actually had made it, had it not been for the grief that is our “negative selves”, which essentially is a collation of all the negative influences we have floating in our heads, as a voice that corrects and somehow inhabits our disabled selves.

To start living in the ideal, we need to silence the disabled voice, and learn to turn up the positive - the one that has seen what you were when you felt happiest, or what you consider the best version of yourself.

In this parody of a life, you can only live it once, in the present, and not at the height of what you projected to people - to collaborate with the intent of having another life to work it all over, (from the same pool of resource and from the point of reference that you once had), to the extent that you can at the given point, become what you can still - using that image of you in your element - and always keeping it in your pocket, if ever you have run into a crowd of naysayers if ever that is a stage for people who rise above their circumstance or culture, as a product of their absolute effort in future (or actually in front of a crowd, like some plant inside a hothouse) - or a percentage of what you feel sink you to a lower altitude, and with a higher chance to gain enough inertia of a velocity, to be able to navigate back on track.

No physics here.

We need to understand very sociably, as well as socially (the ethical lauding of the “political correctness” that you are as part of the given / originating citizenry - we’ll tackle that in another blog for sure), but the phrase : “on track” is obviously subjective. There’s a lot of gaming people socially for most people - but how is it that it slightly doesn’t work for the 2% that actually has other things in mind? Is there a doomed future for them?

So working out the maths, that we can compute to be at the benefit of our ultimate outcome, and not a future certainty that corrected everyone else’s, as much as the socialists had yearned for a global comeuppance - thinking that the culprit that was other people’s rising were their proportionate undoing - had been partly where we need to be smite-d (i love that word), and actually have that god-theory where we are not merely just the co-creators of our fate, but that we can co-create others in our image as well. (Think that might be the line to our actual earthly divinity.)

We collaborate as much as the next person could - but only reach out to our lives as to the extent of their corruptedness. But isn’t it odd that when it comes to our personal lives, we can absolutely have the last say on who gets to influence us in our everyday lives - the corruptedness that we feel is a gap, a stray, a delineation in our minds - far from the original versions of awesome that we had painted, and an image that should, by all means stick - if we were at all a remnant of what we have culprit-ed & arrested in our god-given vulnerability - (what we call our ever-evolving human condition that spans our lifetime as well as several generations, in repercussion) a creativity and a moral ethic that will allow us to live as soundly, as before.

We just need to find it, and pin that, to our stream of consciousness, and focus on that at all times. A human-based, real-time focal point that assuages the entrant that is the corrupting of our resilience. And now permit the birthing of actual endurance, and being able to enjoy at the flip-side, your own self-credited, earned & harvested rewards.


And when you get there, that place that you have envisioned yourself to be, and become that person you wished you were, please send a postcard. (Or a blog, back to the universe. So others will get it, if they read you.) And maybe even by a small ghost of a chance, even proffer from it.



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