Coffee or Tea? (Or the Menu please.)

Eating when you are hungry. Or when you think your hair/ body/ nails/ extremities, need the basic nutrition. This is sensible eating.

Sometimes, we “eat our feelings”, but this is a symptom that all is not well in our balance - we need to check that out (psyche-wise) and system-wide wise. We have mostly our systems in check, and pass on to the doctors to collect for us the welfare that was our entitlement for the whole time that we are living (un-cost-free) on earth / country/ adopted country/ home/ adopted home.

This appears in our fine lines, our wrinkles, our “bodily & psyche scars” - which collects our well-being as collateral for what we institute - and sometimes, the government collects more than we had bargained for. When their jobs, obviously is to care for us, with better health programmes and infrastructures that allow our basic rights, and make us better citizens that will live longer to actually enjoy the fruits of our labours.

Sometimes, retirement means a “slowing down” as we had seen our grandmothers doing - but really, it is traditionally a proper timing of what has been a tradition-passing down of: studying to get in proper schools, for proper jobs, and working from 10-40 year periods, rearing of the next generation, and settling them to their next abodes. This cycle prepares the next few generations into what they in their time do, what is their calling.

To prepare them to this (apparently) higher assault to their abilities, and capabilities, is a stride that we alongside our present-day achievements to what is our highest ability, to enable “the next few”, into their best as well.
We press on, and understand what we have culled, turned over, and instilled into the other - mostly your young - or next few generations, and moderationally become somewhat passing in the norm set by (what is chosen as currently / or syncophatically very “circumstantially”) your circle/ time, and the minimum generated bars that your generation / peers have set, no longer institutional and no longer a need to get diplomas - there are a lot of doozy pitfalls in this record, but i shall get to that later - as there are pros and cons to moving towards a new digital era. But the cost is to culture, and to its preparation to archive all the necessary orientations, in order to create a more behaviourally-accurate summons to your person, and scale to a group of persons, and to a new nation. Like our grandmothers before us, they know intuitively, when the stew is nearly done to their liking - as their mothers before them - and when they see a job well done, they more or less allow themselves the time for socials, or for mint juleps with neighbours. So, as to new standards, we see to it that success now is correctly mapped to our psyches (and that pat on the back, not blatant consumerism), when we have done our jobs well, has been exacted to a tea.

Or to a coffee. That is.


Now read this

Life, as a particle.

(#2LAAD): The Series of Life. Taking a moment on a Wednesday, to sit down, and be amazed. With the things done well, round the world, that i am lucky to know about. (In that very specific order.) When we think of Life Pathing, or the... Continue →