
What’s Freedom to you?

From a colonial child, raised in an asian country that’s been colonised by Spain for the last 4-5 generations (not a really bad thought actually), we were raised half-spaniards, who like their food, their sleep, and their nutty little non-spanish-speaking kin. Probably schooled in some boarding school somewhere.

To, now - in present day Asia: where listening to k-pop and j-pop is the real thing that makes you a child of the continent. (I cook noodles, fried rice, and paella - risotto in equal amounts a week, surely that counts for something!)

We count on the fact that south americans are like us, and we look like them gringos, but really to the horror of the actual descendants of the old Spanish families - we are all actually alike.

People have long surpassed the point of elitism - which is actually a border-specific culture - and having a multi-linear understanding of origin - vs. - present in a multi-cultural navigation system that is truly user-demanded like a GPS to your car.

Freedom is technically, the thing that end goals all end goals - whether the very thing you want to emancipate from is someone who correlates to someone else’s dream person, or actual bread-and-butter. This is up to us, at present-day versions, to actually define.

This reality, is what freedom is to me.

When every circumstance is entirely mine to drive forward in my direction, and not someone else’s map (sorry google), the i-maps are a more sensitive page to my properly establishing the property that keeps my view in perspective, and to the direction that i have set to path.

Keep thinking happy thoughts, take your “central cultural” and keep to finding out yours, and map it to currency.

And over-hopefully, you don’t have to kill anyone to get there. (But that’s for another longer, more intense blog entry - serving the current generation’s moral impasse, as illuminated by previous generations, or Not.) Keep your mind-doors to cultural influences kept tightly closed or at least kept - so it entertains your curiousity, passes all your impossible-filters, trains and strengthens your moral valves, and not drain all your batteries to have to digest.


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