The Beauty Code: Just Green, & Makeup. (Resolve to Command & Ctrl all your choices.)

All the fuss, and all that prep work to make our faces something we can put out there. Or paint our faces for instagram. (Maybe more of the latter.)

What if one day we turned up at work and actually came in bare-faced?

Is that too horrid an expression of ourselves? I went to work one day (as a content director of a scaling global startup), with glasses and sunnies in tow - and we needed to do three-night extends (of about an hour) to our 8-9 hour day. Tech companies on the build or scale tend to have loads of work - especially if teams need more time to get their pages up on a deadline. Anyway, less boringly, we went to drinks, dance and dinner as a team - to make it more of a team effort and that was cool. Except when your officemate turns to you and says, “ok, why do you have such large eyebags, and dark circles underneath your eyes?” (And I’m like, “hello, this is how i look”.) C'est vraiment.

Whatever happened to that poor guy, he must’ve now died along with that comment - with the murderous look i gave him. But the next day, i put on makeup.

Loads. Slapped on the Chanel foundation and put them under the eyes as well. Mental note: to casually slip by his area, and mention that i have had loads of sleep and hydration to that guy. Sometimes, it is actually a downside with all the women having a uniform masked-ness on their actual flaws - people tend to expect that those of us who really look like this, mustn’t.

I mean, anyway.

So on to my 9 year obsession with clean beauty. I would obsess about the things that should go on to my face. And i have long since been rewarded by skincare availability in the retail stores, and drugstores, and all the proper places that these are distributed in. Innisfree, and then in 2013, when global beauty franchise Sephora bought over Luxola in Asia, and LuxAsia had put up essentials, there are now more places to get our beauty things apart from the usual Watsons or Guardian wonder corner stores.

Lately i have been busying to magnify the curation on Bud Cosmetics as well as i ran smack into organic beauty giant Juice Beauty in Asia since using their face spray and concealer in 2017, and the New Zealand wonderbrand Antipodes for their wonderful Apostle, & Chia&Kiwi serums. I have yet to try their cosmetic applications to their organic formulations, probably in an impinged bout of massive organic-buying (which happens not on the cycle of the full moon on my way to beaches, but every september for some reason). A bit pricier but well worth the effects of mineral concealer under the eyes than what cakes after the 8pm shifts of an under-applied 7am last-minute ladies’ room makeup spree.

Another curation is from the Australian brand Bloom, which had me hooked on their healthy beauty from the start of 2007, but don’t know if that’s been discontinued. Just like the Olive Oil-based wonder brand Olio Y Osso and all the Tarte’s famous Amazon oils - which in following their ingredients we see how that plausibly makes our vanity-turned-green-dollar-back on the carbon neutralising effects of well-harvested ingredients. This is not just in needing an effaced corporate soldier to dig deeper into her makeup routine and skincare night dresser to understand that the general effects of a life well-lived compensated and satiated our inner selves, and becomes its own heady reward.

I now shop mostly at Beauty Candy: a great one-stop gift shoppe that stocks all of my favourite kinds of wundergreenkind makeup products that i have discovered in 2015. They stock a good number of clean brands as: Ilia, RMS, Mermaid One, Tata Harper, my favourite natural oil scents Karmakamet, and soaps from Farmer’s Daughters as well as all my favourite facial oil Vanderohe & an occasional spot of Votary oils.

Looking forward to more from the regions that could get our solid backing to their ingredient processing, as well as effectively shying our dark circles away into the light.

*[All brands mentioned are of an editorial curation by author. These are unpaid / uncollaborated plugs mentions in my page/blog, as my personal snaps, and kudos.]


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