How to tell people Politely to piss off.

The Grandma Talks, Part 1.

1/ Go to a swiss finishing school.
(NO, you don’t have to.)

2/ Be a serial achiever.
(The haters apparently become quieted when you have achieved a lot more than they have - or the serial haters will always respect serial achievers. But, in some cases, they focus more on their in-achievement than their real gold status, so achieving more things help more than the usual apprehensions.)

3/ Be a serious goodwill believer.
(When you have a lot to say, because oh well you are old - and somehow have managed to stay a girl, not just with your grandmother’s purse and shoes but her discrete swagger as well, you may as well put that to good use. Good use means fabricating the denim that makes the cloth to a style that makes a mark not just on the shapeliness of your bum, but the shape of things to come.)

4/ Suppress your inner consumerist.
(Okay, believe it or not, even the best of us take it out on our credit cards from time to time - we are all guilty of this. We bring it, and when things don’t pan out as we planned, we collect ourselves in the wonderful delicate leather smell of our Chlöé bag’s suede lining.)

5/ Love yourself a little more.
(And this doesn’t commence to defence mechanisms of those who were wronged for generations and not compare themselves to other people in the first place. They who are not will always seem a little abrasive. We can deal with that - with a little cappuccino, and a little less boring. Why are you dealing with it? Option: drop that bore sitch now, and move on.)

6/ Always know that it takes more than one person to leave it at that.
(Sometimes, the guns or the chatter keep on whether you like it or not, and you are challenged to bring your cross-border sensibilities to other people’s very public hating-zone to have a query as well as a personal assault to take it to the

7/ Check for projection possibilities.
(When toxic surrounds are tingling your spider spine, make sure it is really about you - or is it really about them, that they just air out very determinedly with or possibly, without prejudice but just to the ether - to succumb you to the very unhinged crossness that you somehow pinged because you are just sitting there, and are not really compensated for?)

8/ Satiating the situations.
(Sometimes, and more often than always, you need to understand that attention is a commodity that people have no real credit card to shop for. So they go out to the ether, to the department stores, the barbers, to their Facebook markets, to the

9/ Correcting impressions.
(Or Not.)

10/ Simplifying.
(Tricky. Because how do we even know that we have reach an amplified complexity because of the nature of global issues that you come across, not necessarily caused by you, when finding yourself - or that you have collated over the years, then being able to command respect because of those exact choices, that you have sussed / needed time to understand. And all that you actually had been enabled to overcome genetically - and then afford to inexplicably not be able to morph into something else, being forced by an environment to change without warning, socially adapting, being coerced into a con-formity, or without real multiplicity of complying with someone else’s exacting intent. Thereby the notching down is highly subject to time-space-circumstantial-influence of grouping-relative levelling. Ergo, tricky.)


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Fifteen, going on Sixteen.

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