Mayo de Uno.

So, when the world celebrates Labour Day, (not a political party) -
in my house, we celebrate my daughter’s birthday.

This was a running joke, since i was in actual labour. And while i always birth children at dawn, or early light 5, 7, 2am - to be exact. I think my now very mangled senses and grated nerves would have me believe that it probably owed to my need to move it along - rather than the injection of an external solution in my veins to induce labour.

That wouldn’t be too far from my birth plan - Lamaze is relying on my natural uterus muscles’ ability to push out babies into the world at their proper timing, not mine. My role is to keep all forceps, and metal foreign-body instruments from entering my cavity to forcibly take what in (their) time, is going to get readily enveloped in their air-mixed-lungs that miraculously get properly done, even with un-natural circumstances that bring it forth.

Forcing births - are not the force of nature. It is natural, at all. The belief, and right of people who, like birth plans, create path-plans - determine their way into the world - as is comfortable to them, in the resources that they make out to be available, and as is their right - actually accomplished by them, or what is owing.

When we look at life in the thinking that “forcing” is natural way to go about things, the world was clearly not a way that was made for humans that go about their way as their authentic selves - it creates a world that holds the tiny dignities and self-respect that anyone ever created for themselves, and turn that into something mangled, and cause injury.

If that child was forcep-ed against my will - and cognitive birth plan (something that i discuss very carefully with the obstetrician-assigned-on-standby who had been in contact with the one selected/ entrusted by me), this would be the very thing that gets enforced. Not the forceps.

And when my lamaze procedure is not in order, i have a standing order to NOT cut me open - as would be very un-natural for me. Also, i hate knives, injections, sharp needles and anything that punctures my organs. So this would be counter-intuitive to anything that people force upon me, to justify the shortcut to attune to their time or system.

If it is indeed a You before Me, or versus Me. But you are meant to look after me - the conflict isn’t as apparent as opposing you to something specified beforehand - all pre-contracts are of this nature, and making it known to all present and to whom it concerns, would be not only be non-confidential - it would be totally showing utmost confidence in the team assigned.

It pays to Plan. And Plan Well. And Well = Ahead. Because as we learn from digital, the planning CI / environments, can be tricky when grids are not coordinated with actual.

This particular child, had sickened of my uterus the least - having been late for 2 weeks. (Some cookies just like their ovens more than others.)

Happy B, Justine O.


Now read this

Of summer reading lists….and tae-bo.

So, squeezing into a poolside onesie, and dedicating a full 6-8 hour sit-down to a single book, until i’ve finally actually finished it from end to end, is coming up more a rosebush thorny challenge, than a bushel of apples. But i have... Continue →