Seasonal Bulbs.

Writing can be flourished in a topic-grazed, seasonal manner, where you get seeds from posts, and light from the incubation that quells all need for weeding out the variables that make conditions unfavourable.

Having drought is not a real problem, but is dealt with as a subliminal fear, that consists of being able to stabilise all types of growth, and scaling. In the gardens, we aid this with wooden spokes tied to the branch or stems, to hold steady while the shoots become a taller by the inch.

The outcomes of these types of support become more than just the bamboo - it holds it steady, strong, and yet flexible and bendy towards the light, and towards the space given to them. Like businesses, ventures become very responsive to the given conditions, and the controlled environment given become the actual outcomes.

In these events, we seek a more hearty gardener. Having seen the trails and types of planters that are on the vine, on trellis, on air, make me an avid horticulturist that will conduct the better of the conditions to avoid all plague of aphids - as any arduous gardener would, and plant them where the frost will not harm the bulb.

This might be in human terms, libraries or proper places that conduct more filters to the noise that surround, and are left with just the proper rays (ultraviolet, when needed, but mostly the white light of the sun are good for plant leaves, as well as the solar panels that store energies to heat the ecosystem during harsh winters). These conduct capacitance in the rise to meet the best sunlight, until the growth is sufficient to both farmer, and maximum reach of each plant genus (**au naturale), at all costs.

When all this has been intently put to the tests, applied to the best seeds and grown in time and season, the best nurture becomes the type of plant in all variables, eventually. This succeeds all its growing capacities, and with all types of space, will be able to perform as much as the un-wandering, patient attention (also a degree of sun), can eventually muster to catch up on.

So, for gardening enthusiasts, the bulbs (such as those of the garden variety onion) are best kept under soil and wraps, until it decides to grow the roots to keep it stable, and the leaves and stalks to system the feed that it takes to grow, multiply and become part of its correctly known latin genus species (alium cepa).

Also, a hothouse favourite topic, and immediate concern which people have done in a more corporate multi-national setting, would be the migratory patterns of people who need to seed and find other hothouses to transplant and safe zones for climate-sensitive breeds. This is not a replication of the corporate pre-growth model, but a sized-and-fitted down to a party of three-to-four according to the stage of growth that your startup/ venture is in.

Here’s a study by the Harvard Extension School, “Exploring Migration” that might lend a proper read to that, with the insights of past immigration and business / cultural case that had expanded into different territories.

Hashtag What We Read On Weekends


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Xmas is Christmas, Styled &Shrunk.

So two guys walk in a bar, and made small chitchat with the barkeep…. I’m not giving you free beer. Ok, whatever. (Not that kind of bar.) We take the coloured pens of our childhood and just scribble afternoons and scrolls of time away.... Continue →