The economics of being a girl (on the go).

When we oblige our desire to be adventurous and mobile, than our desire to gather and stick to traditional sit-down events - or just striking a golden mean midway lifestyle to actually being accomplished at both - usually, we attempt a guideline to diary our way to the most efficient way to get there.

Where do you want to go?

This is sometimes the most daunting step to determining, and like everything else worth doing - becomes the most time consuming like all the registry, and setting stuff up: like that on-boarding thing at the Start Point.

Choosing where to go, in the place you want to go: a 50-50% is desirable, but never achievable.
When you have whittled down the choices, there are just more choices.

Where are the places you mapped out in your mind, when you chose this place? (Is a good start to knowing the places that you’ll be

Luckily, you only have three-to-four days, and that means the limited days make you more focussed in your choosing.

Do you: become more mass-tourist selective, or themed-abstract-goop-only?

Are the things you need to answer in a quiz somewhere like an app called Triposo or Tripit, might help you map that out… (not a promo).

Mapping treks out.
Or what is, “getting efficient is key”.

1/ First, i’d like to do museums: Point A (Itinerary A).
2/ Then, food - is it near point A?
3/ Afterwards, i would like to shoppe : are the shoppes nearby not suffice?
4/ Do you want to meet up friends/ film something at a nearby market/ relic/ museum/ etc?
5/ Track the hotel nearby, in small circular via public transport, and work your way to the outermost circle, to check the farthest in your Itinerary A.

And that’s a small clue to how people make their per diem, actually last longer. (Another challenge in the budgeted travel tracker.)

Getting your schedule / timeline on.
This might be the clincher to the proposition of actual all-out F-U-N.

Sometimes, i get in silly debates with people i travel with about: wait, maybe here, or here, or maybe later.

When your mind finds itself on vacation mode, make your paper state the obvious.

And you don’t need to worry about finding a sim card, or a wifi while mobile - and just rely on establishment-based wifi.

(The key to enjoying the trip itself.)

Map your Budget.
Ah, the meat of the matter.

So, getting your plan on was the hurdle no one can clear.
But having a budget, is key.

And fitting it to a per-day (per diem) is the way to crushing it.

And obviously, having a friend to stay over at for three days, always helps.

Finding your travel buddy.
Phone your best friend, then the person you’d like to travel with most, then the person you can take a selfie with, and if no one is available during the time you need to go, then just go wild.

Your travel buddy, is the most important factor in the trip plan. Find one.
Like now, or before sundown. And then, warm them up to the idea of saving up xx budget for so-and-so time, and place. Or ok, show them your trip plans, or that link to the platform planner.

And, just go.
Reiterating the travel tessellation of…. have fun, and just go.


Now read this

i do.

Finding a life in your golden age, can actually be existentially relieving. I have just come from attending a location-wedding, literally at sunset - the ceremony was at 5pm. And the groom and bride were in their 50’s. It was rather... Continue →