the winter of our summers.


Ah, the passing of clothes… and the wardrobe rota.

It’s a prime tell-tale sign that summers are nearly off to leafy indoors and the pleasant chill that draws out legs to the long-walks of autumn.

Saying goodbye to our my shorts and re-arranging the hangings from one-piece, one-piece, bikinis, to plain pants - make the summons of time not felt only by the eerie drop of temperature. It correlates to our general life-energies as well, moving from a state of lazy inertia with the heat, to an actual spurt of daily momentum, as can be witnessed to our bounce, and non-keenness to the downtime flick or seasonal series binge. When the word marathon, actually refers to something more mobile - and less, how many new series done ‘till the wee hours - before refilling your stock of beers/ refreshers, and nightly decaf espressos?


Ironically, this downturn to temperature, and tropical rain showers - while most groups would be driven indoors, actually propel me more outdoors - with the splash of half-rubbed off-soles-of-trainers skidding me towards the nearest prata and curry stand.

Instead of spending hours barbecueing the 12-hr marinated melange of meats or, in my case veg and tofus. I’ve been retiring the raw section of my deep freeze, and chiller to more vegetables i can stock with fish, tinned sardines and tuna, and the occasional no-churn miso for egg and rice nights.

I use every errand to walk and take in the seasonal quarter sights of this area of the city, with cafés that close near to midnight, and other discoveries that i may have missed. The social antisocial is surmised as being an introverted sparked of changes that weren’t acclimatised to the usual briefing of “this is what we are going to plan”, or “this is what’s going to happen”… which takes me to a more heady surreal sense of a sudden slowing down of pace.

Which i am not about to complain about. (A marathon or a triathlon, with a cold-drinks stand pit-stop, is always welcome.)

So, with the binge-and-bear-down grit of making my own food - i decided that as always, the node of change would be a welcome respite to my needing some bowl of soup somewhere 30 minutes from here, and have become what i think will now make me create a stronger sense of,



&, most importantly,


(I am going to literally,) keep you posted.

(Stay hydrated.)


Now read this

The Beauty Code: Just Green, & Makeup. (Resolve to Command & Ctrl all your choices.)

All the fuss, and all that prep work to make our faces something we can put out there. Or paint our faces for instagram. (Maybe more of the latter.) What if one day we turned up at work and actually came in bare-faced? Is that too horrid... Continue →