Birthday (cake) anxiety.

Okay, so the New Year had befallen all of us.
(More like, the NEW Decade.)

And we are far from being out of our Social Egg-noggins. Even if you weren’t born in the Gregorian Start of the New Year. Like, every year. Why couldn’t it have befallen another for a Valentine’s, or a lovely cool Spring Easter, or even a midsummer August Proustian event?

That would have been ideal.

But as things come and go, we are at the end of our helm. And sometimes, we corrupt ourselves with the thought that our immediate need for Process, can overrule our need for Order for more natural Interactions.

I have no plans on colliding with your natural OS-es (neuroses / internal Operating Systems-es), but my real statute of the final stages of (liberalness) or my general-definitions of “liberty” - is not to confound those with the internal processes already existent in them, to deliver unfounded need to change them. This is something that i definitely use as a proper shoehorn into judging generalities about people. (As a golden rule, of be-friending them.)

Sometimes, our need for being strict with ourselves, does not endure the fact that we DO NOT inhibit others in that strength. We can only in so far as we are concerned, inhibit ourselves.

And not tamper with other people’s je ne said quasi quoises - i don’t think ninjas and jedis are meant to read this, btw - but, we strengthen our constitutions as best we can, to battle these urges to “tamper with a natural order of things” in the daily.

And not only when we are CEOs, or Mothers, or Fathers - in charge of the “Little People” in our own lives - and, stressed here in “All-Caps”, since they are very important - and should always come First in your list of duties or carving out actual trickling, & precious real-time for.

But, also when we are designated to make major laws that govern people, as let’s say a part of congress, or ministry of parliament would argue on the future of the state, and depend on the relationships that are foundational to the everyday, there is more paid attention to the little mindfulness of “hmmm, do i order green tea ….. or two-sugared coffees?”* (when you have been warned it was bad for you, is probably why we are made more anxious in the long run, & what would happen when you opt for caffeine or addictive substances filling in what you thought you were missing out on), are nowadays made more equal in consequence, relative to your actual input at work. It starts here.

And it is better to be mindful, than sorry. Ominous-sounding pre-cog all-knowing-interpret aside, we need to be confident in our own re-collected (“stock” knowledge, that’s not as trivial as you might think, and not just the collectively shaped knowledge - especially, in an era where slight hesitation is a gesture - what we need to know, we know already.

So, have that cake in celebration of a fabulous, glorious, better-you year ahead. And eat it too.

‘TisTheYear2020 #ShinyHappyNewYearPeopleHoldingHands #


Now read this

The Bubble That is the No-Loop-Intxns: #ExperimentallyVoided

In the last leg (or less than two weeks) of the last Quarter of the post-millennial noughts, tens, and entering the twenties in Tee-minus one month. Is anyone feeling the panic yet? Two bottles of rioja in, i think it suffices to say... Continue →