Mapping your Index, to the Heady scent of Others.

Intuitively, we have a cocoon that envelopes each of us, until we are set up to enjoy the fruits of our labours. That right is intrinsic, and is administered across the board, without fail - or prejudice. This allows everyone the exercise and the judicial right to accompany our basic rights as they are - and as they should be.

Sometimes, there are cultural allowances, as there are cultural misses - when people can’t make their lives work, they turn on others.

What are Others?

And are they rightly tantamount to any livelihood - or to your health, and rights as a person - something that has been built in, and does not corrupt your basic operating systems?

When people are social - they refer to the polity (the people who are in the country that they or their parents have lived in, and are part of) We see them socially. We are friends with them. Are what people utter on to their social circles. They exist within a tight parameter that are strictly defined, and then left within the realms of having a reliance, a dependence on this circle.

Today, being in social - are now defined widely. It constitutes the people in your social network when you have people that are visible digitally in any of the major social platforms/ networks. This happens because we happened upon the index of people in a small social circle (Harvard), that occurred in a country, that occurred in a social (sub)set (School), and the fell into a larger context when investors wanted in. The VC’s ran out of money because now, it’s a public offer, after a business regulation of nations have been set outside of its borders - or across, i should say - and have cut across the normal factors of what used to be “social”.

Now, ten years after - it has 8-9 billion people across countries - with their smartphones and devices (no longer in the silicone processing 686 chip) and technically, we have raised everyone’s infrastructures to desire this post-industrial technology, digital movement / change to digital-social.

It no longer fixates on school, a social standing or any sort of understanding, subset of wealth or family designation or career inclinations (although we call them Groups), and we designate a small stance to national - in terms of sporting or interests - and centre on these little instances in which cull from history and actual choice (rather than circumstance).

This is Social Now.

It’s a milieu, it’s a revolution. It’s a broad understanding of whether we wanted to belong to a broader perspective of people, in building an international National (or assignment across rights, and fighting the greed and discontinuous affirmations of people who become the new menace), and safeguard these human rights (and digital as a platform), where it should be applied down the line - traditionally upheld into the next few generations. It is nascent. It is not only for the young. But it will be for the young - and their young.

And this is why we do this.


Now read this

Birthday (cake) anxiety.

Okay, so the New Year had befallen all of us. (More like, the NEW Decade.) And we are far from being out of our Social Egg-noggins. Even if you weren’t born in the Gregorian Start of the New Year. Like, every year. Why couldn’t it have... Continue →