Secrets are only meant for Santas.

What’s with the world wanting to keep secrets?


Why is that such a valuable thing to everyone?


Here to un-daunt myself in the underworld that goes to any length into “keeping their secrets”, i am assessing the need for this in 22nd century living. *Do i really want my kids, or future kids, to have their lives threatened by a bunch of goons who think they’re important enough to be manipulating things - or ceasing lives as they were - just to protect a secret that no one really gives a flying f*ck about?* (I mean, fudge.)

I think not.

But, it’s a wonder there’s not a committee in sight to take these out. It’s like blastocysts of cancer cells to society.

But with underpants.

And underdog values - because, the “really rich” don’t really need to hide anymore. And who cares? When someone can crush a site and make millions now?

Those moats in castles, are no longer an issue. It’s no longer de-rigueur, btw, but it is not an issue. (Your Aunt Selma can keep them.) And families, ancient and looming to inherit piles by the end of Grandma Muggy’s death, is by now half-pondering the delights of the heavenly gardens that she had good word her mother’s grandmother, twice removed, had reserved a place for her in the afterlife.

So, scandalous affairs, after scandalous affairs, these things are no longer a BIG DEAL. Spell it.

B - I - G

D - E - A - L.

Now, say it with me: It is NOT a BIG DEAL.

And my family, friends, and everyone in the family who are older now than Grandma Mooney, and thanks to the blowing open of the internet to the whole wide world, no longer gives a blighty fidgeting F*CK about that.

And if you think you’re mighty important enough to be protected, then you know that a cow earneth a universe of a goldmine. In these here days, we see people learning to “fight for their internet rights” which are protected by the platforms they take up space in.

And when you thought that your torrid little affair did so much damage to someone’s mind, i think the tiny mind belongs to you - and whomever you chose to dement that isn’t quite responding the way you wanted them to - twice removed (hmmm, that trick used to work in the 80s….i must be getting um, OLD)

Yep, spell it.


Tactics, albeit low social tactics, are now faded into the glory of misses underpants - and that is something you can tell to the priests.

Your acting is now as sour as the reactions you make to all the puns that never went past the board meetings you now attend in place of an actual soiree.

When social went south, you went north, and there ain’t no one telling you - that went as far north where your Grandma Morty is now. (Bless her scrumptious brownies.)

She’s in extinction city.

And the old ways are now being hung up in museums everywhere - just like the underpants you used to confuse your 3 ½ lovers, before you went for compiling work instead of doing good by your humans.

Whatever cleans your moat, floats the social creed’s boat.

And this sometimes comes up with a guarantee that even the tiniest of occlusions can attest to that no one wants to tell you: that you need to hire a better dentist.


That’s all.


Now read this

#GreyMatterSocials (A Series): Why do we need a definition of terms? (ii)

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