The Fine Line between Bummed & Bored.

(And the boozy weekends that follow).

When you compensate for time that’s un-pronounced or un-productive, it may sound like it was to your un-doing. But cultures are actualised within the natural image that collate the elbow-grease sequence of childhood-teenage-adult-marriage-etc. When these growth sequences are mitigated under the most horrifying underlying (albeit surrealist) circumstances, we take it upon ourselves to impede on socials. Or as we now see that happen, a shaming via the internet - and possibly, a scarring that can be punctuated with a lifetime of culture clashes. The only place to make a graceful exit would be to help ourselves to the host of tools that we can account for time, and space, that had happened under our nosey noses.

BORED: Sometimes, it might seem that being in social is a downside.

We collect network-value, or more importantly, a parallel of network socials - we actually earn it via having social graces. The equivalent to this, in digital, would be creating a vortex of issues that compare ourselves to financing a time-space continuity that is ultimately personal - a very privileged digital-society design to which our grandmothers - and most women in history, as our predecessors - had not been able to help themselves to.

Women today, can work - have options to work nights - and not have to their social propriety or places in society at nought - as far as i could tell - and be able to have this option (that was fought for very bravely, and vehemently by all our global women leaders) very openly as a tool to shaping themselves - all to their own timing, resource, and in the end, self-credit.

But maybe, it is another tool for a compression of process. Something like, a pressure cooker - or something that manipulates the natural occurrences that are observable (whether formulated or not) - that is pressure, temperature, volume of material, and time - information that are previously available to us (stock knowledge), and in our immediate controls. To which our natural ability now factors as an imminent “good to have” versus a complete “comparative advantage” in what had belonged to the previous generations.

The formatting of a self, and in this case, we are delicately approaching the formation of cultural tenets that are subjected to hard demographic dysfunction: sex, status, income gaps, intelligence, age, ability. We are not human beings to be horrifically instituted to serve an ideal that serves the economy, as had years of shaping been brought down upon us. We are here to liberate ourselves - with the technological / digital revolution. We consider ourselves lucky today, to be part of it - whether as subjects of the matter of the ages, or the absolute insipid instigation of it - to benefit all and compile solutions that would not have the “identified evils” or what are necessary by-products of building societies, actually afflict us in the long-term - health, dignity, and all things conceptualised by philosophy and religion to shape our human instinct, or to span the entirety of existence.

The burden, being our government sectors’ only hope and actuated function in its objective building - now share this burden with citizens, in the hope of instigating a pressure-less governance - with citizenry empowered with tools to feedback, build, help themselves, and compile their interests to live as harmonised as ever. It is lucky that we see it in this lifetime. Winning over famine, injustice, corruption, and disorganisation. It is an extreme and profound joy to win over the problems that we experience over time.

BUMMED: Having no real output of productivity that is rational, exhibited, and dignified by a social response - and coming up roses meant to be able to live among a gradient of society - from end to end - and being able to grace the occasions that mete the lonely factor which is the sole unwanted by-product of actual productivity.

We careen into social injustices when we feel mitigated in our own social response - not having the ability to “become something” or someone to our own distinctions - or by our own (carefully carved out) definition. The negative to this is obviously being unable to recover, and we are on a downward spiral that is hard to recover from.

(Not that we no longer have problems, nor will experience or not suffer the occasional glitches of life - but relatively, we all will be saved by the experiences of others and knowing that we have enlightened them, helped with our merger existence, and compounded another’s ability to help them reach their defined goals, because even in the midst of their imperfect stations - even in their undefined asset-evaluations to make them feel excruciatingly insignificant - they are not.)

Emerging on our own, not being seen as having garnered advantages are what we need to refine - being a globally known culturally-diverse society means we have cornered into a way that we can identify our weaknesses, and actually correct it to save our own directions and choose to turn the right direction, with the help of others. This is socially responsive - and is seen in most capital estates as they climb the statures of being “responsible for the other” as co-governor of the other, rather than its Abel-like brotherly mistrust, and mis-use of information to wrong another in causing their demise.

This is evolution, and it occurs in our daily experience of ourselves. And everyday, we see how we pan out to match those of others like us - and across continents, and time, we can only hope we get better, or be more relatively pleased with our existence as we hold everything in balance, as no one in our renaissance-era-grade-restrictions had ever lived with before.

There is no reason to fear. Or become disengaged or unevenly maligned. We can be ourselves, and no longer be chided (even to those who have “new-money conceit” brought upon them with their sky-rocketing into stature and wealth). Or cajoled into having to take another’s form, to be recognised as being alive. We are alive. And there is no disputing this. Or making the actual & immediate future the culprit of our losing ourselves ever again.

As one cleverly had put it: Save the cheerleaders, save the world.


Now read this

whoa, pause.. rewind. record. play. ¡edit! play. delete. install..?

These are verbs we sometimes want to apply to life itself. I hate to tell you - that’s not gonna happen. And it’s going to stay in your mind, and maybe in your brilliant script-writing spec, that hollywood might or might not produce - to... Continue →