
this is the social think x @krissn sustaining a øne-system-søcial via /thésocialapothèkaer/ to wit: design • ethical-tech • activation • compendium

Page 11

Seasonal Bulbs.

Writing can be flourished in a topic-grazed, seasonal manner, where you get seeds from posts, and light from the incubation that quells all need for weeding out the variables that make conditions unfavourable.

Having drought is not a real problem, but is dealt with as a subliminal fear, that consists of being able to stabilise all types of growth, and scaling. In the gardens, we aid this with wooden spokes tied to the branch or stems, to hold steady while the shoots become a taller by the inch.

The outcomes of these types of support become more than just the bamboo - it holds it steady, strong, and yet flexible and bendy towards the light, and towards the space given to them. Like businesses, ventures become very responsive to the given conditions, and the controlled environment given become the actual outcomes.

In these events, we seek a more hearty gardener. Having seen the trails...

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So You Went And Made A Startup.

So one day, you wake up and people around you were chipper as the sun was shining more brightly. That Mary Poppins wasn’t all lying about the weather affecting chalkboard-styled pathways to perfect. Having the old take it one day at a time to coordinate the plans that you have whittled out on your shiny little gadgetry of an alien-ware. So, you went all garage on that idea, and taken it to a prototype.

What now?

Are you taking that to the interaction specialists, and testing out your theory on that scientific road of a premise that you were going to save the world on? If so, you probably went and had yourself a huge cup of espresso to jump start your day, and trolled along the sandwich places to keep your energy up and, before you know it, you were asking other team members to come and join your efforts. Wait, that’s not how that happens? Oh the team went last?

Some jointed efforts...

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See(k)ing The Possible.

Surrounding the collaborations that pile the mounting fear that the modern affluent are not cooperative, we are hopeful that with choosing a co-working option, people are actually are a clear step ahead: in its very conservation.

Suggested norms of behaviour has the growth of organisations in mind, such as children. When they are born, and tiny, they are minded and schooled, and given enough stretch to be able to do things for themselves. This is a part of what incubators have in their grasp, the knowledge to make them, and keep them alive.

But the co-working spaces that we see today are suggesting that the migration to them are more efficiency-and-economy-based founding decisions, rather than a foothold into the collaborative belief of the economy gone stronger with knowledge and resource shared.

The skew to it being more convenient, and easy to install - much like the template...

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Trains, Trykes, & Tracking Treps on their Trips.

“Creating a blog, and having to maintain it.”, is not a new chapter in most treps’ playbook, but have been levelled up from vlogs to live video streams with the advent of Facebook, Twitter video, Periscope & some good public wifi or mobile bandwidth nowadays.

If your business borders around demos, and the making of videos becomes mission critical, showing online presence in real-time to build a better, or more global network, makes the seasonality of tools central to staying current.

Some blogs are about a specific event marketing, product launch, time-sensitive blast for a sale, or a non-profit campaign’s PR tempo. When these are more lifestyle-specific, your messages may get blurred in the scurry of undefined or mobile-demographics that the current analytics bots are formulating. When it does not compute, the SEOs or the tags in your meta-data crawled, an actual person will need to...

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A Circle of Compensation.

When the time to understand economic cycles, in personal or startup budgets, is compressed beyond our control, we tend to take things into our own hands, and take the necessary steps to plate the theories, and find them agreeable to our own palates.

We usually take our sweet time, relishing the choices. Isn’t this the whole point to tasting? The excitement of the revelations at the end. The picking and choosing is not, to my opinion a real russian roulette, but more a roulade where we put our lives in the centre of our work, and unroll them before our eyes in an array of integration, in so far as curating our tastes and preferences along the way, (charred not boiled please, sugar in two cubes per 5oz. latte, organic beetroot sauce from backyards only allowed in my balsamic reduction, vegetarian not vegan, etc.). We substantiate our lives to an utmost brinking level of near-perfection...

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Contributeurs de la publication.

This Holy Monday of Mondays, there is a paper in which I try to explain the dilemma of product building. Getting people to write for you.

When writing is essential to product, the refining of the product is having expert Writers, (scripts as well as code, sometimes an interchangeable act), at the seat of the table and helm the prow to get your product shipped as fast, and unwieldy to the very vast horizon of weather implements.

The sordid appeal of blogs is that there are a thousand casts of glances at a view, a social milieu, and the hosts of problem surrounding any sort of building in the age of adulthood. There are no more effective, in my case, tools in my toolbox than those of highly effective communication, not intuition.

I have been part of a team that once had that mural that kept everyone at a direction that led to the matchbox track of diminutised paths, but carrying on...

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Inclined to weave, perl, & ink.

I tend to blog about events, but at The Social Think, this extends to a whole host of analyses that help me generate a timeline of thought. It helps to track the theories, and arguments from strength to strength, from a factual, real time feed-based perspective.

Or the art to inclination to actual talents. Which I tried to measure and instinctively came up wit ha matrix that needs testing before it gets published, or hacked into a specified site that makes mutants look like humans, and vice versa. This is collaborative with the exact tracking that goes on with schools, and actual programmes and learning, but with agencies of change, and personal training techniques, we are all about the community and keeping a sense of camaraderie without the compromise of losing out on your own growth.

I think this is a supercharged challenge among the energy-filled, creative recruits of the new...

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There’s a light that shines for the tiny.

When you keep the goals in mind to the direction that you play towards, your playbook seeks the same grid that you continue to succeed on with your assigned or chosen heralded team-mates. That map of sorts, or grid continues to evolve, as you reward co-workers and bring light to the store- rooms that enable the smallest detail, and the half hearted attempts at finding self, by taking a real un-faint stab at life. A pantry of sorts that keep your wares, and help feed you through storms and layer on the protective fat that insulates you from all the future cold blistering winters of your years. And you start with the tiny to-do list.

We tend to arrange ourselves in a group existence that supports all of our “hashtags”- a way we stache information in our life, a way to organise how we store and recover information in our minds, very instantly...

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This is not a transcript of the podcast of Monocle 24’s podcast, The Stack, but a light reflect of what I had thought afterwards, occured in the light intricacies of my mind, while listening to the exchange between Tyler Brulê and Lucia Van Der Post on the 30th January 2016 (link attached). My interest in the publication is purely on a per-interest basis, and I find that it is refreshing to see fashion intersected with tech and coffee, in the podcasts that the different Editors touch on - that actually made me write several posts on a status update, and decided to pare down the words, into this post instead.

This happens on an echoing of that post, this morning: (Lifted from my Facebook post)

Morning rituals. Coffee, paper, searching on tablet (apparently an iPad Air) - I realise how I’ve spanned the media timeline.

From reading a real Financial Times (orange headlines are...

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Project Inspire

Attending the UN Women project called Project Inspire since 2012, has been initially an accident. On my way to the library at the INSEAD campus for one of my daily writing sessions in the quiet city-off-centre, there was an ongoing registration for a UniFem session and it looked like a good gathering of women with a “Livelihood Fair” - for me, lots of Christmas gifts & homeware on their makeshift tables inside the library entrance led me to extreme distraction, that presses to an inquiry, to buying some unicef Chrissie cards, and eventually signing up for future involvement.

Three years and two offices later, they are now a fully grown committee and have more volunteers, programmes and women’s businesses and overall social enterprise supported in participating countries - mostly in Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa: the countries represented are where the community of women are being...

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