Designing better lives.
So in lifestyle-marking, we tend to be more Marxist with ourselves.
We devise tools that whether we meant to be as organised, are meant to collaborate with people more smoothly in what we intend as more than a life-skimming, activity-excluding, meaningless-observer passive version of ourselves.
We would (or at least, in my case), vie for the highest order on a peak perfection estates - where we can be the best version of ourselves. And whether that be the sad calorie-expending research exercise buffs that other people propose to themselves as being their best, or the back-bending rail-skinny yogi that goes beach-hopping every summer is best, or the outcome of what is a 4-year trek to mount university could turn out the best version without needing reading glasses at the end of 30, the reason why these are best, is because they are Yours.
The standard in which we are able to own...