
this is the social think x @krissn sustaining a øne-system-søcial via /thésocialapothèkaer/ to wit: design • ethical-tech • activation • compendium

Page 9

And in this corner.

(Sometimes infamy isn’t all that.)

When nascent systems turn to social, and building on what they think is a most reliable social network - society is all for the better. But the instances that make it influential isn’t science, it’s art - configuring the inspiration to make people use their instincts and human connection rather than a device and a laptop to connect - is something that we can’t mostly put down on paper, draw lines to, or fathom with the most advanced calculator, or the whitest board or most inked working marker.

The instance that we get from point A (realising the problem) to B (phasing out all doubts and actually being able to eloquently decipher what needs to be done, and pronto), makes for a lengthy process-dependent, environment-enabled capability to confront.

But when we back up a bit, we get the understanding that not everyone sympathises in the same way. They...

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Coffee or Tea? (Or the Menu please.)

Eating when you are hungry. Or when you think your hair/ body/ nails/ extremities, need the basic nutrition. This is sensible eating.

Sometimes, we “eat our feelings”, but this is a symptom that all is not well in our balance - we need to check that out (psyche-wise) and system-wide wise. We have mostly our systems in check, and pass on to the doctors to collect for us the welfare that was our entitlement for the whole time that we are living (un-cost-free) on earth / country/ adopted country/ home/ adopted home.

This appears in our fine lines, our wrinkles, our “bodily & psyche scars” - which collects our well-being as collateral for what we institute - and sometimes, the government collects more than we had bargained for. When their jobs, obviously is to care for us, with better health programmes and infrastructures that allow our basic rights, and make us better citizens that will...

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Mapping your Index, to the Heady scent of Others.

Intuitively, we have a cocoon that envelopes each of us, until we are set up to enjoy the fruits of our labours. That right is intrinsic, and is administered across the board, without fail - or prejudice. This allows everyone the exercise and the judicial right to accompany our basic rights as they are - and as they should be.

Sometimes, there are cultural allowances, as there are cultural misses - when people can’t make their lives work, they turn on others.

What are Others?

And are they rightly tantamount to any livelihood - or to your health, and rights as a person - something that has been built in, and does not corrupt your basic operating systems?

When people are social - they refer to the polity (the people who are in the country that they or their parents have lived in, and are part of) We see them socially. We are friends with them. Are what people utter on to their...

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Capacity, 200GB. Or bust.

When people declare a doomsday deadline - of the kind that writers are not familiar with - those that corrupt the state of mental fragility with this concept of squashing a perceived compression of time, delays of the third kind are inevitable. I don’t think we just compromise the creativity of the mind, or the wonder of the page, but a singular harassment of the soul. And for this, we need bigger memory, capacity, and the kind that jumps out of the suit, to understand exactly the banter-mode tasks that is elicited when capacity is something that freaks everyone out.

When we turn our heads to full-on battlefield Asia, (talking to you mssrs of startups from 17-hour flight lands and beyond), we turn full attention to what we are contributing that will become good, progressive, and create the least burn rates. Sometimes, this allows for a coffee per day, and the highly fixated gender grid...

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Being Max.

So, i have parents who worked their asses off.

Does that make me mad? So they left me in a house filled with servants, does that make them bad, or weird, or me rocking back and forth in a bus-stop filled with other yayas (maid servants, au pairs, female governesses) and their charges-in-tow? And i had to live very strictly within the rules that have been elegantly put in place to ensure that i don’t misbehave, even in their absence? Studying properly, handing assignments in on time (and with better handwriting), and being able to socially accomplish the feat of heroes: getting along with the normals?

I guess.

When we check out what people are on about during their day-spaces, we get that there are ways in which we can express ourselves, non-destructively and having to happen upon the odd abstract interaction we are not familiar with (because of the said limitations, yada-imposed...

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For the milk (and code repository) intolerant.

So this is something that i had left to the bin, on the right side of my brain,
for a while.

I am wont not to be a jessica. For the most part.

I feel that being collected is tragedy enough. (And being serially incompetent, is a git-hub code of love gifted unto others.) Maybe we can be met with abject heft of who we are, instead of what we might become - to fit the visions of another of “who we are”.

But why are we subjected to the millions of slow, changes that qualifies as something of a fractal-creation into the ether? Or do our minds subject itself individually? Is this why we are herded, by nature into crowds, into groups, into a corralled minster of other people’s quite compelling torrent of mind spell that they can’t in their stand offer up quite openly. Imagine your dad, the very serious lawyer, having to order a very common doughnut from the shoppes? Absurd.

But this is...

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Dreaming of Dylan.

When we come across a really good book, you can’t normally put it down, and wish to keep going - on the trains, on the daily breakfast table, before your morning paper, during tea, in-between bites of cucumber sandwiches, accompanying the daily regimen of bathing, cleaning between your ears, head, shoulders, knees and toes.

When we correlate to the astoundingly profound deficiencies of life, we ask: why are we incomplete? And why are we longing for that place that no one really has seen?

Is this the dream - to achieve or accomplish what no one else has, to expand the universe in which you have existed and now elevate yourself up on? I think the real challenge is to keep ourselves understand where we stand, and why we like things, and others not.

Sussing was a tad bit nerdy in my day, and as a teenager never really bothered or questioned - it was as if the ancients had it upon me the...

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As Lyrical As it Can Get.

There are a lot of ways to learn. Some people in school have derived different ways to upload information - according to the premises of what is called in golf, their “handicap”. Something has them learning a certain way, that won’t be suited to the typical learning curve, or educational system, or even national default structure. And though, we have no idea where the real value of actual education lies - in the accreditation of the centuries-old institutions, to lend it a smidgen of credit - or to the takeaways that are now applied and enforced in the upper echelons of government, when drafted.

Sometimes, it is a mix of both, or all of those factors. In a meld of ups and downs, strung in perfect harmony.

There are three self-classified ways - whittled in my brain as per experience and formation of actual opinion (a very old-school, ancient thing nowadays), and not intentionally...

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Foodie or Foodud?

Sometimes, we like food. We just can’t help but wolf something down when we are in a state of hunger, lack of sugar, lack of energy, barring from a social, being antisocial, eating your emotions, or cast upon a lack of anything to do here-on in. (This is why you pack on the pounds in your Freshman 20s). Adjusting to new circumstances is a huge challenge.

For me, I was more a freshman at Life, but gathered towards a more senior charge.

Packing on more than the solid goal of what your body needs to maintain for it to function at energy level normal, is primarily the necessary calories-in-a-syllabub. Everything else, is a conversation in negotiating with ourselves the wants vs needs, the hub-bub of whether your mouth gets humdrum or fireworks to compensate for the level of sh*t you had that day.

I feel whenever that moment has to come upon me, the only choice is: to remain resilient...

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Trep that.

I think the way we build ecologies, depend on sensibilities - and we can’t help the influences of what’s already built-in, and recovered intrinsic properties. (*This part may turn a bit racist, but take it in context, and comment if you disagree very violently, i will try to be most impartial to categorisation.)

There are things that are built in as features - whether we are actually aware of them or not, but it’s best to be aware, so you don’t just act accordingly. Especially if these traits are actually undesired. Being conscious is the key.

If you have jewish or chinese ethnicalities and are sensitive with the handling of money (this is understood to be built-in) whether you had little or none of it, you are viewed culturally in a general spec - which i would call here, randomly occurring (and probably a real effective of living in a large, diverse society) as the minority effect...

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