
this is the social think x @krissn sustaining a øne-system-søcial via /thésocialapothèkaer/ to wit: design • ethical-tech • activation • compendium

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Two types of social.

I edit this other social magazine, Treptrips.mobi.

(And though it is platformed in a Medium compile - mainly for its natural leaning towards all things hacked, more than it’s simplicity - in its markdown-system which i find is easier to transport, and write on - rather than mostly to compile or as a CMS expert, easier to upload and onboard on - i think i am mainly foremost a svbtle-kind-of-blog-unscaled person, and would like to keep it like this, without needing the skyscrapers of nervous-asylum-induced prospect of $1B-infrastructure behind it).

Just keep it simple.

Rather than building my own site/ platform which i have no need to run - these sites make it easier for me to own and scale my content (at my own time and resource). And like twitter, has a community that has its own culture imbibe.

I digress, yet again.

I think there are platforms for social (the second def), and...

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So, being a Nigella-wannabe ever since viewing her Nigella Bites & Jamie Oliver’s Naked Chef on live TV for the first time in 2001-ish, and fishing to get the Domestic Goddess in kinokuniya, & someone gave me a copy of her Forever Summer, i have been hooked on food tv.

Risotto, En Bianco

Today, i gather all my wits about me - for not only a proper Sunday meal, but actually for the rather moorish habit of being a midnight snacker (a ritual a shared with my 6-yr old when we sneak in some sneaky mushy soy-eggs-asian-version of the oeufs en cocotte, in the middle of the night). I had on occasion also stumbled in after late nights - or really early wakings for a really late supper / really early brekkie. That thing i do with eggs, are phenom - and always a real lifesaver.

Eggs omelette (in an English Brekkie)

Nowadays, i tune into my hunger more than the time - without the frenzy that...

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..‘tis the god particle.

knock, knock. who’s there?
hello, ‘tis the god particle.
(do we have the accelerator?)
maybe. hmmm. wait, what is that exactly?

When scientists created the telescope, did it know about the stars and wanted to learn more about them, or to examine them more?

Read some bit of news on our latest discovery in quantum science - to get you moving forward, faster. To being not eluded by the goings-on & mysteries of tiny space today:

Today at CERN (the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics, headquartered in Geneva, as the European Organisation for Nuclear Research), the Large Hadron Collider collaborations ATLAS and CMS jointly announced the discovery of the Higgs Boson transforming into bottom quarks as it decays. This is predicted to be the most common way for the* Higgs Boson to decay, yet was a difficult signal to isolate because background processes closely mimic the subtle...

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You read badly written blogs, eat mediocre meals, get no exercise, be loved by no one, and then you die.

This week, I am intending to curate “A list of things we need to do (or not do) before we die”.

I was taught a prayer by catholic-school-bred people and it goes a little something like this:

I lay me down to sleep
oh god,
i pray the lord my soul
to keep,
and if i die before i wake,
i pray
the lord,
my soul to take.

This is my before i meet my maker prayer, and i think it says it wisely,
even wistfully - on how things should be approached on the daily : a certain thankfulness and unguarded-ness that commences a realisation of how things could be entered into - not just stewed in the mind but more importantly, in the spirit of being as a whole (albeit, the romantic notion of you, as you are now rather than as you will become later when i’m done with you) - and not just after an untoward incident, an after-thought, or a very near-death experience. I figured, if we choose well for...

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Weighting for attention.

Just how first world is First World Asia?

In the advent of Rich Crazy Asians, we surmise to connect things surrounding that glitch in the emergent markets (formerly known as the third world) that brought about a scuttle in the social media - formerly known as just media: where another branch of idiom, couple conjugation name, and another meme that circulated a hundred more stories via the shrapnel of applications that are able to get on the app store, and into your phone, but no idea what people are actually on about. Or is that just what entertainment is now about when the message is the circuitry? We can surmise until the cows grazed home.

But can we really tell?

We get sick of all the pollution of media, and things that are push-media sensitive to your device, and if it’s as personal as your first-touchpoint-mobile-device - usually your phone, this is top space - and considered a...

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Off our social media gourd.

Or How To Make Friends with People, Offline.

Sometimes, we take it for granted that people are easy to get along with more than others - we attribute a number of factors relating to identity: as race, gender, social background, political affiliations, shoe size, eye colour, etc. that do not have anything at all to do with this failure in making friends, the “old fashioned way” or what is, without the help of peering on social media friend-of-friends contacts, which might be an indelicacy actually enjoyed by some, but are intrusive to others (cough, ahem).

Here’s my tidbits (well, 5) to all this social media fodder:

1/ Make eye contact, very sincerely qualify yourself a member of the human race, don’t be shy. The confidence of “nice to meet you” shown, is elegantly more put across when uttered.

2/ Know what borders you are crossing. Sometimes, we are not readily accessed in actual...

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How to apply suncreams.

In Asia, we tend to tan a bit more than any other place in the equator - obviously notwithstanding the heat in Florida or California, or Australia where the ozone layer decided to take 5. Within these moments, we need to understand where we can take back our freedom to survive. We just have it in our minds, and in our hearts to care for all our social systems, as well as all that make up our bodies and systems (that we need to understand we should not give up to anyone else - from our bodies, to our minds, and then our hearts).

No one controls this - and it is all relinquished its guardianship, after years of education and safe exposure to the elements) to you upon reaching full adulthood - and not your mother, not your father or your guardians, nor your systems of governments - as you move in social expectation of how you are regarded will vary in different districts, cultural...

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Becoming the ideal you.

We all wished to be something of a someone someday.


And we quite actually had made it, had it not been for the grief that is our “negative selves”, which essentially is a collation of all the negative influences we have floating in our heads, as a voice that corrects and somehow inhabits our disabled selves.

To start living in the ideal, we need to silence the disabled voice, and learn to turn up the positive - the one that has seen what you were when you felt happiest, or what you consider the best version of yourself.

In this parody of a life, you can only live it once, in the present, and not at the height of what you projected to people - to collaborate with the intent of having another life to work it all over, (from the same pool of resource and from the point of reference that you once had), to the extent that you can at the given point, become what you can still - using...

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Designing better lives: all by you.

So, this is part two.

When we continue to accustom our beings to lives we don’t have real control over - we don’t live up to its actual potential. And feel empty. And all that energy (actually) goes to waste.

When you fulfil your inner voice’s prodding at a destiny, perhaps this is intuition actually telling you in a snap - or a moment’s notice - that you have nothing to fear, and that the need to focus is something that your productive dynamo (the something that feels / and yet, runs your whole enigmatic world), would be sharpening through time, which leads us to understand that maybe, we are designed to manage ourselves more efficiently, …

…whether or not we had a hand in designing our paths.


And this efficiency is something that other men, being controlling - or assigning themselves a role in creating you, is actually being hampered,
in the long run.

This equation is remedied...

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The Beauty Code: Just Green, & Makeup. (Resolve to Command & Ctrl all your choices.)

All the fuss, and all that prep work to make our faces something we can put out there. Or paint our faces for instagram. (Maybe more of the latter.)

What if one day we turned up at work and actually came in bare-faced?

Is that too horrid an expression of ourselves? I went to work one day (as a content director of a scaling global startup), with glasses and sunnies in tow - and we needed to do three-night extends (of about an hour) to our 8-9 hour day. Tech companies on the build or scale tend to have loads of work - especially if teams need more time to get their pages up on a deadline. Anyway, less boringly, we went to drinks, dance and dinner as a team - to make it more of a team effort and that was cool. Except when your officemate turns to you and says, “ok, why do you have such large eyebags, and dark circles underneath your eyes?” (And I’m like, “hello, this is how i look”.)...

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